"Tuning your energetic frequency to the
'True You' in a
world designed to program you into someone you're not supposed to be."
Start peeling back the layers of the world's programming and become the authentic you, by identifying and eliminating Toxic Patterns TODAY!
Take the first step, click the button below.
IMPORTANT NOTE: ALL SERVICES and PROJECTS are aimed at IMPROVING QUALITY OF LIFE by assisting in the reduction of the negative effects caused by anxiety, depression, and just the everyday rigors of life; with an emphasis on suicide prevention through the development and delivery of unique, creative, and interactive content, resources, and services.
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The GodstyleBilal Experience
Did you know?!
I present to you "The GodstyleBilal Experience".
This projected is dedicated to support the energetic realignment of the masses of individuals ready to evolve past survival mode.
Did you know the common root causes of ENERGETIC IMBALANCE, SELF-SABOTAGE, and
Lack of Clarity and Understanding (of self and the world around you).
Low Self-Esteem (Damaged Confidence,
Distorted Self-Image, and Insecurities). -
Lack of Purpose.
Lack of Direction or "Know How".
Feelings of Helplessness and Hopelessness.
Feeling Overwhelmed.
Feelings of Oppression and Unfairness.
The Absence of Joy and Fulfillment.
Lack of Emotional Intelligence.
Constant Rejection (external and self-rejection).
Forced Inauthenticity (in areas of physical and verbal expression, intimate and sexual life, interpersonal connections, love life, personal life, and communication).
Unhealed Trauma Stored in the Body (creating sickness a discomfort in the body).
Restricted or Limited Use of the Body (lack of exercise or moving the body).
Lack of Information, Support and Resources.

I can assist you in the identification and elimination of mental, energetic, and emotional blocks. I teach you how to protect your energy, how to get people out of your energy, and to reprogram yourself to energetically align with your preferred experiences. I help you quickly identify and apply life lessons you just can't seem to get, and provide a new perspective to give you clarity, freedom, and courage to live out your desires. You will be able to confidently take your next steps toward your goals, dreams, and desires, no matter how big, small, private, intimate, embarrassing, or bizarre they may seem.
Supporting You in Areas of:
Protect, Balance, and Control Energy:
Developing skills for boundary setting & personal standard enforcement, Self-Acceptance, and Self-Regulation.
Mental Reprogramming:
Identify and eliminate programming that have you Self-Sabotaging, suffering, and in repetitive dead-end cycles.
Learning Life Lessons:
Healing disappointment and/or heartbreak, repairing insecurities (self-worth & self-esteem), and providing clarity with a new perspective in order to make more advantageous decisions moving forward.

An Interview with the Life Coach and Author/Artist/Advocate...
So, what is it that you do; it looks like you have many titles and talents?
"Well, above all, I'm a Life Coach, speaker and writer.
Secondly, I'm an advocate, consultant/strategist, and guide.
With what's left of me, after that, I'm a content creator, artist, and entertainer (your earthly cheerleader!!!) in that order.
I have personally branded myself as an Author/Artist/Advocate spreading encouragement and support through writing and publishing books, content creation, motivational speaking, PSA campaigns, humanitarian efforts, philanthropic endeavors, and hosting a little fun and entertainment.
As a Life Coach I help individuals tune in to their 'authentic self'.
As a writer, I write about intrapersonal issues such as Depression, Narcissism, Emotional Intelligence, etc. Things like depression and suicide are pledging the human race. We cannot survive and thrive in unity under these conditions. So I have dedicated my life to the improvement of these conditions through teaching individuals skillset and providing a perspective for mental liberation.
Furthermore, my skillset allows me to be able to write a lot of different things:
books, blogs, poetry, curriculum, comedy scripts, music (lyrics, not scores), etc.
You name it and I could probably do it.
In my opinion writing is art, and every title I just named that I identify as is also artistic. With that said my artistry name is P2G
and I write under my last name, GodstyleBilal".
Check out some resources and projects to help YOU along YOUR life journey.

The Creation of a Narcissist:
Book by Book Kindle Edition
Narcissism and narcissist have become buzzwords lately. But, how many know what these words really mean?
In The Creation of a Narcissist, author, writer and content creator, Risha GodstyleBilal, candidly describes her encounters with narcissists, her healing and self-love journey, and breaks down how to recognize behaviors. She's breaking the silence about her own personal encounters with men that seemingly set out to kill her spirits and break her down emotionally, resulting in the instability in her confidence and independence. All the while, she struggled to find herself. Have a front row seat to her journey, plus SO much more!

Pulling Yourself From Depression:
An Introspective Self-Help Guide
Depression or extreme feelings of sadness is not something to overlook. It can bring you down faster than any energy or emotion that is known to mankind. It can feel like the gates of hell have opened up and taken hold of your mind and soul. Many times we feel the darkness of this space but are reluctant to reach out for help for fear of being judged or being dismissed and made to feel like we are overreacting. I am here to tell you that you are not overreacting and there is hope for you. This book is a practical, introspective self-help guide to some things you can do and tools you can use to help pull yourself from this dark place of depression and put yourself back on track. Understand where you are mentally by taking the quiz included inside, as well as understand how depression works so you can get a better grip on your reality and have the motivation you need to change it.

Inspirational Messages to get through the week, Cash Giveaways, & Games
Your Earthly Hype-(hu)Man!
Inspirational messages, High Vibes, Tough Love, and Talking You into Doing Whatever You Want to Do in Life!

Self-Mastery Podcast
Diaries of the Emotionally Intelligent. Unscripted, open, verbal diary of the journey to achieving emotional intelligence at www.introspective-solutions.services/podcast

Reprogramming the Brain
Cleaning Up Your Vibrations for Better Manifesting. Looking at detrimental patterns that keep you from achieving your dreams at

Gifting the World Laughter!
(And My Unsolicited Opinion LOL)
P2G World Council skits, Real Life News Predictions, and Unscripted News Commentary on current events.
(P2G hate the News, 'Comedy News Commentary')

Healing Sexual Shame (Campaign)
Topics, discussions, facts and ideas to help free you from unhealed shame surrounding sexuality.
It's Okay to Say Sex at www.sensualinnovations.com

Personal Artistry & Music Projects
Just some music I created. This is more of my personal journey with music. "The Creation of a Narcissist, Book by Book" Soundtrack once completed will be housed here at www.p2g-artistry.com

If you had to describe your purpose
here on earth, what would you say?
"My purpose is to be a reminder to humanity of their capabilities, and to be evidence that healing and change is possible".
Public Servant
Mental Strategist & Consultant
Content Creator & Artist
Inspirational Speaker
Advocate for Advancement in Human Sexuality
And how do you do that?
How are you a reminder to humanity?
"I do that by providing new and different perspectives to induce healing and eliminate mental blocks. I speak life into the souls of the wounded who are willing and ready for change. I talk people into doing whatever their heart desires. I break generational curses by healing myself as the Universe has personally taught me to do. I continue learning to be my true self. I help others by creating art from my past pain and sharing it with the world as lessons and reminders. I do the things that come naturally to me, and in it, I find that it usually results in uplifting someone in some way, so I just go with it. I'm a naturally silly person, so I also try to lighten the mood in-between moments of seriousness."

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If you had to describe who you are in 10 words, which words would you use?
"I would have to say silly, wild, sensual, professional, adventurous, impartial, intuitive, observant, adaptable, and grounded".

What's your favorite piece of work that you have produced so far?
"I would have to say, the Campaign I launched back in 2019 called the 'It's Okay to Say Sex' campaign. It really allowed me to break out of my shell and blossom. It was also the most controversial thing I believe I have done thus far, ...or maybe the most controversial thing I've done so far is the 'P2G Hates The News' YouTube Channel, reflecting my viewpoint of the way politics go in the news, delivered in a comedic manner. Either way, the 'It's Okay to Say Sex' campaign allowed me to sit in an uncomfortable space; a space I believe so strongly should be comfortable. I believe that the freedom of sexuality and the expression of it should be a comfortable space. I know a lot of people have their arguments about it, but as long as we are being responsible with it, there is no need to shun it. It's a natural part of life".
And what is your favorite book you have written since you identify as a writer first?
"Hands down, 'The Creation of a Narcissist, Book by Book'. And at this moment in time, I know I only have 2 books published but I'm actually currently writing several books simultaneously. So, I am comparing several titles in my mind at the moment. Even still, 'The Creation of a Narcissist, Book by Book' is my favorite book thus far. Depending on the creative results of this book I'm writing about healing sexual shame, it might have a chance; but the Narc book is definitely my baby".

You talk about sexuality in one of your projects, so it's important to you. Can you tell us a little bit about yours?
"I believe in the right to privacy, so the only things I'm willing to share about my sexuality at this moment in time is how I identify and my pronoun preference. I identify as a nonbinary, pansexual female.
I have adopted the pronouns they, theirs and them. I'm also deciding to begin the integration of the usage of the words we, our, and us, ((laughs)). It only makes sense to complement the preferred pronouns".
What is one thing people should know about you?
"They should know that I have my own mind and I use it."
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Credentials: Master's Degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling.
Disclaimer: I am not an LPC and therefore do not render medical treatment. I only provide consultation and solution-focused strategies that can be followed at your own discretion. Also, there are no refunds.
Are you ready to change your life, but don't know how?
Having trouble identifying a block that is keeping you from getting what you want?
Want to know what lessons you're failing to learn that are sending you in to back-to-back dead-end cycles with connections and in life?
Need some advice, or a second opinion?
Have something you want or need to talk about,
but you have no one you feel you can trust to talk about it with?
Have a desire to just pick my brain to see what I know?
Wanna just hang out and chat?
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